Celebrating Heart Warming Stories with Dad in Nature this Father's Day
To celebrate Dad this Father's Day we held a Contest Giveaway inviting our community (you!) to share your favourite memory being with Dad in nature.
There were so many more submissions than expected which made it really hard to choose the top three. Winners won Best Dad Ever Kit and their stories are shared below. We think we are the real winners as the stories warmed our hearts and made us appreciate a bit more.
Many entries shared that writing their submissions was a wonderful opportunity to open up their hearts and think of those special times in their lives with dad in nature. Either trying something new, having to be brave, a favourite ritual, visiting a new place or connecting with the earth and appreciating the little things.
Reading all of your submissions made us realize how special this question and reliving these memories really was. It was equally (if not more!!) impactful for us to read through them which gave us many smiles, some laughs and a few tears. Thank you everyone! We love you!!

The three submissions we voted on as a group (in secret and then tallied our votes!) are below. The images are also of real people and have graciously been shared by the winner which we felt made this even more special.
We encourage you to take a moment away from the hustle and bustle of the day, read the stories below, enjoy and take a moment to remember your own favourite memories in nature with dad, a best friend or family member.
Sue F.
I think i was about 4 or 5 yr old when this happened... we were on a summer holiday in a rented big RV. Our one and only time venturing about, camping on wheels. We'd stop and do hikes and wanders and for once it wasn't all about making food in advance and only stopping for bathroom breaks. My parents embraced a slower way to vacation this time. We'd hiked up a hill (what I thought was a mountain) and it must have been near the top of a treacherous climb when I was stung on the leg by a horsefly. I howled. I screamed. I wouldn't walk. So, my Dad carried me on his shoulders the whole way down. I remember him holding me up there and seeing the trail differently. I think my leg was fine about 1/2 way down but I just wanted to enjoy being on his shoulders. He always made physical stuff seem effortless. He's not a big man, but he always had his fitness regime and still does.
Lara K.
I have the best dad in the world! Some of my fondest memories are the simple ones. Every night in my early years my Dad would take me on a walk/bike/skate/sledding after dinner. It didn’t matter the weather or the season, we lived in North Bay, ON. Memories of an ice cream on the waterfront after a bike ride, learning to skate on the rink, being pulled in the wagon around the neighbourhood, jumping in puddles. Now being an adult myself and thinking of how darn tired I am at the end of a work day, to think he’d come home, take me outside, read to me and put me to bed showed how much he loved me. He’s my best friend!
Manon D.
My father used to take all four kids to the river and take us white water kayaking. He would take us down the rapids one by one while the others played in the slower pool area of the river. I even found my tiny little kayaking helmet the other week! Thanks for asking this question. It forced me, in a way, to reminisce on my very lucky and spoiled childhood :) I needed that.
Thank you again to the winners and everyone in the community for sharing your stories. Special shout out to the Dad's out there for making them a reality!
Wishing everyone a fabulous day outside in nature (even if it's a 5min walk around the block to smell the flowers).
The Birch Babes